Valentina's World of Travel Panoramas (3)

View around Cascais Harbour - Near Lisbon, PortugalValentina looking East from Cascais towards Estoril Resort - LisbonVIew South from Cascais Town and Harbour - near LisbonView North-East from the Palacio Pena Terraces - Sintra, PortugalView towards the main buildings of the Palacio Pena - Sintra - Lisbon, PortugalView from Castel San Jorge - Lisbon, Portugal - October 2001View to the Atlantic Ocean from Palacio Pena - SintraView from the Old City of Lisbon - just before sunsetSintra Railway Station on a wet and cloudy dayPanorama from the Elevadore above the Old City of Lisbon


Click here for more panoramas of Salzburg and Berchesgartern - October 2001



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